increase your health & vitality.
there's a better way!
Do you have health issues that you just can't seem to get answers to?
Particularly issues with pain, fatigue, injury rehabilitation, nutrition, and wellness. I specialize in individualized self care techniques, nutrition consulting, and ways to manage a healthier lifestyle using natural solutions like Certified Pure Tested Grade Essential oils, self-care techniques, and smart nutritional supplementation.
My nutrition and self-care services range from a free 30 minute overview to 3-6 months of health and wellness support to help you achieve your goals. Creating a lifestyle that sticks is the power behind a long and healthy life.
To schedule for a massage service or if the available hours online do not work for you contact me directly.
Client satisfaction and education on self care, massage, healthy lifestyles, and natural solutions using essential oils are key. These methods have changed my and my families lives and it can change yours too.
I am dedicated to helping you and your family;
Heal from your Past Injuries
Corrections from Muscular Dysfunction
Stress Reduction
Pain Relief
Nutrition Consulting
Essential Oils usage and benefits
Aromatherapy usage and techniques
And more....
Take control of your health today, I would love to help facilitate your journey in health.
Nutrition counseling helps people take control of their own health. Learning and applying simple to use concepts for optimal health is the key to preventing disease, as well as healing the body from disease and illness. Since after World War II nutrition science has become a highly regarded discipline that offers hope in controlling our destiny by preventing or delaying a number of diseases related to nutrition, and lifestyle.
Essential oils and aromatherapy have been used since ancient Egyptian time as early as 4500 B.C. in cosmetics, ointments, and preventative care. They are a wonderful part of our lives that can aid in so many health benefits from stress relief to energy boosts, from sore muscles to skin conditions and so much more...
Massage has always been one of the most natural and instinctive means of relieving pain and discomfort. It is believed that the art of massage was first mentioned in writing about 2000 B.C.
Manual medicine is the use of the hands in the treatment of injury and disease. Its therapeutic value derives from changes in the soft tissue and structure rather than from surgery or pharmaceuticals.
Essential oils are powerful! I'm here to help you learn how to use them to create greater health. It's time to live better! If you would like to experience a free sample contact me today.